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An additional alley is being built in Bryukhovytskyi Park

An additional alley in Bryukhovytskyi Park, which will connect St. Shiroka and Kurortna have already begun to be furnished. This was reported in the department of urban agglomeration of the LMR.

“For residents, this will not only be another convenient pedestrian zone in the park, but also a good opportunity to significantly shorten their route.

Currently, preparatory work for the paving of paving stones is underway here. A trough has been dug with special equipment, crushed stone has already been partially filled in, curbs have been installed,” the city agglomeration department notes.

The customer of the works is the city department of ecology and natural resources.

We will remind you that recently this park received its first status – an object of the nature reserve fund – a park-monument of garden and park art. This will help protect more than 15 hectares of recreation area from development. Last year, benches and ballot boxes were installed here with funds from the Public Budget.

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