Site icon Voice of Sokal – news about Sokal, Sheptytskyi

Dead Deer Found Near Trash in Sokal: Locals Seek Assistance

In Sokal, on Heroiv UPA Street 4-5, dead deer were found near the trash bins. Throughout the day, people passed by, children played nearby, and dogs gathered around the area, growling at pedestrians and potentially posing a danger.

Witnesses captured the scene on photo and video, but so far, the issue remains unresolved. Residents of the neighborhood are appealing to anyone willing to help bury the remains of the animals, as no official response has been initiated.

“I understand that no one wants to deal with this. But perhaps someone with the means to help with the burial will step forward. If you have a shovel and can assist, please contact me directly. I’m willing to pay for the work,” the author of the appeal stated.

The community hopes for support in resolving the issue to prevent further risks to both people and animals.

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