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Lyceum in Drohobych initiates social project “Teach a Nightingale”

The second year of the full-scale invasion of our land by the occupiers is underway. Every day, courageous soldiers not only defend every inch of our land, but also keep the cultural and linguistic defence of the state. Because it is through language, our customs, traditions and culture that we identify ourselves as a nation, a nation of the strong and invincible. This is also the case with our Ukrainian language – the language of the free and unconquered.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the language issue has become one of the most important. With this in mind, Yuriy Drohobych Lyceum No. 16 has launched a social project called “Teach the Nightingale!”, initiated by the school’s teachers. The project aims to remind Ukrainians once again that their native language should be known, protected, developed and popularised.


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