(Українська) На площі Ринок у Львові нагородили переможців дитячого конкурсу «Краків очима маленьких львів’ян»
На площі Ринок відбулося відкриття виставки-конкурсу дитячих робіт «Краків очима маленьких львів’ян», під час якого нагородили переможців і всіх учасників конкурсу.
In Lviv Oblast, 7 social projects win the contest “Time to Act, Ukraine!”
Saturday June 29th, 2024
Business ideas and start-ups competition to be held in Chervonohrad micro-region
Sunday October 8th, 2023
Communities of Lviv region can take part in the project “Budget participation from a to z”: the competition has been announced
Wednesday June 21st, 2023
Name The “Eastern Europe” fund, within the framework of the “Phoenix” project, is holding a “Civic Tech” competition of projects to support IDPs and communities
Monday June 19th, 2023
A competition for innovative projects is starting in Lviv Oblast
Friday June 9th, 2023
The II stage of the competition of professional skills in the profession “Make-up Artist” was held in Lviv Oblast
Saturday May 27th, 2023
The ClimateLaunchpad competition for “green startups” continues: how to participate
Thursday April 27th, 2023
The regional competition “History of Ukrainian Statehood” will start in 2023
Thursday April 27th, 2023
The InKult project dedicated to innovations in culture and the creative economy is starting in Lviv: how to get involved
Saturday April 22nd, 2023
We have started accepting applications for 14 LIFE 2023 competitions: how to join