On October 30, the heating season of 2023-2024 will begin for the population, institutions and establishments financed from the local budget, and other categories of consumers of the Chervonograd city territorial community.
of the Chervonograd District
Lviv region
Chervonograd city mayor
25.10.2023 Chervonograd city #302
About the beginning of heating
of the 2023-2024 season
In accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”, “On Housing and Communal Services”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.08.2019 No. 830 “On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Heat Energy Supply Services and Standard Contracts for the Provision of Heat Energy Supply Services » with the changes made and taking into account the predicted drop in the average daily air temperature below eight degrees for three days:
To establish from October 30, 2023 the beginning of the heating season of 2023-2024 for the population, institutions and establishments financed from the local budget, and other categories of consumers of the Chervonograd city-territorial community.
To the head of Chervonogradsky UEGG LLC “Gas Distribution Networks of Ukraine” A. I. Oliynyk to ensure timely unsealing of boiler rooms and metering devices installed in the housing stock and social sphere facilities in the prescribed manner.
To the directors of communal enterprises “Chervonogradteplokomunenergo” S. M. Dmukhovskyi, “Chervonogradzhitlokomunservice” Yu. M. Kukoba, director of LLP “Nova Dolyna” Korbutu P. P., managers of condominiums, housing complexes, director of the utility company “Center of primary medical and sanitary care of Chervonograda” Yarmoli A. P., Head of the Department of Education Gomonk I. I., Head of the Department of Culture Protsik A. M., to ensure the supply of heat carrier to residential buildings, preschools, educational, cultural, health care, sports, and social sphere institutions in accordance with with a heat supply schedule.
Create a working group for prompt resolution of problematic issues that may arise in the heating period of 2023-2024 at residential and communal facilities and the social sphere, in accordance with the appendix.
The Department of Digital Transformation, Information Policy and Transparency (Hlagovska N.S.) to inform all categories of consumers of settlements of the Chervonograd urban territorial community about the beginning of the heating season through mass media.
I leave control over the implementation of the order to myself.
V. o. of the mayor of the city Dmytro BALKO