LKP “Lvivavtodor” requests its team of inspectors-controllers. Among the main obligations is the control over payment of fares for public transport: buses, trams and trolleybuses.
“We are proposing a hectic work schedule, paying two salaries for a month, paying vacations and medical care,” stated the LKP Lvivavtodor.
Vimogi to candidate:
– osvita – middle, middle-special or medium;
– punctuality, energy and arrogance;
– ease and efficiency;
– dosvіd robots are not obligatory.
Work schedule: from 08:00 to 20:00, 2/2. Salary: salary + bonus (20 thousand UAH).
Detailed information about the vacancy of a controller – phone number: 0672605039, Tetyana.
Apparently, Lvov has 11 years of age, and from the moment of the introduction of unprepared fare payment on local routes, the controllers will begin to control the payment of the fare. Therefore, for an unchecked/unvalidated trip, the passenger may be subject to a fine.