Road and transport weather became fierce on the 17th, close to 18.40, on the highway “Kyiv – Chop” near the village of Zubra, Lviv region.
The right guard, the driver of the Volkswagen Passat car, the 48th resident of the Novoyavorivsk municipality, was put forward ahead of the maneuver, after the hour of the maneuver, he was stuck with the car “Volkswagen Touran” near the 31st city bag of the Lviv region.
In the aftermath of an accident, injuries of varying importance were taken away by one and four passengers of the Passat – a 37-year-old woman and three minor children, girls of age 9 and 14, and a 5-year-old lad, the mustache of Novoyavorivska, and also the third passenger, river resident of the Lviv region. Mustaches were delivered to the medical mortgage.
Behind the fact, criminal charges were filed under part 1 of article 286 (Violation of the rules for the safety of road traffic) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum punishment, transferring the sanction of the statute, is up to three years of free will, with the right to block transport barriers on lines up to three years.
Law enforcement officers install all the furnishing of the floor.
Conducted communications of the police of Lviv region