Mistresses of Yavorivshchyna were sent to the front another batch of self-made pastries

“A full warrior is a strong warrior”: The hostesses of Yavoriv region were sent to the front another batch of self-made pastries

Yesterday in the village of Stary Yar, local housewives gathered for a good cause. The girls baked homemade pies, cookies and many other goodies for our brave soldiers. Already today, goodies from the Yavoriv housewives will be sent to the defenders near Bakhmut, where a local resident from the village is now, protecting our land from the enemy.

“A well-fed warrior is a strong warrior. We have helped and will continue to help, because thanks to them we can work. We thank every soldier of the Armed Forces, who hold the sky over Ukraine. May the Lord protect you and give victory to Ukraine,” the girls add

We should add that this is not the first help from Staroyarsk housewives for our defenders. Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine, residents have been actively helping defenders and internally displaced persons who lived in the village. Also, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, local housewives prepared dinner for the defenders on the front line.

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