Almost 20,000 people arrived in Ukraine last night. Almost 17,000 of them are Ukrainians, the vast majority of whom are men who have returned to defend their homeland. In total, more than 351,000 of our compatriots have returned to Ukraine since the beginning of the open armed aggression.
Almost 47,000 people left Ukraine last night. More than 30,000 of them crossed the border on the Ukrainian-Polish section. Currently, there are no queues of pedestrians and vehicles in almost all directions. We also recommend choosing checkpoints on the borders with Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and the Republic of Moldova to cross the border into the EU.
We recommend monitoring the congestion of border crossings with the EU and Moldova (in Bukovina) on the Facebook page Western Regional Department of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine-Western Border. Data is updated every two hours.
We remind you that all checkpoints on the western border (except Dzvinkove checkpoint) are open 24 hours a day. In addition to registration of people and transport, border guards together with customs officers also pass humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian army and our compatriots. Over the past 24hrs, more than 601 vehicles with humanitarian cargo have been registered at the western borders.
We ask all citizens at the border to comply with law and order, priority and moral standards when crossing the border and not to offer bribes to border guards for extraordinary or illegal border crossing!