Today, Lviv Oblast says goodbye to ten defenders who died in battle with the Russian occupier

Today, September 7, Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy and Kobe Mayor Kidzo Hisamoto signed an agreement on cooperation and cooperation. This is the first step in establishing twinning between cities.

“Kobe is a city with strong economic and scientific development. It is here that the Fugaku supercomputer is located, which was recognized as the fastest computer in the world. During the COVID-19 epidemic, it was launched in an emergency mode to conduct quality medical research to fight the epidemic. But this is only a small part of all the possibilities of Fugaku.

Japan is one of the world leaders in the quality of medical services. And for us today, high-quality medicine and rehabilitation of military personnel is a priority. Thank you for the trust in our new Japanese partners and I hope for fruitful cooperation!” – said Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy.

It is, in particular, about cooperation in the fields of business, health care, culture, education, tourism, information technology and innovation.

We will remind you that the day before Andriy Sadovy and the world-famous Japanese architect Shigeru Ban held a joint press conference in Tokyo, where they told Asian journalists about the surgical center that they plan to build in Lviv within the UNBROKEN ecosystem of humanity. The mayor of Lviv also presented the project and spoke about the importance of creating such an ecosystem.


Kobe is one of the largest cities in Japan. The city actively cooperates with international scientific and research organizations, such as the European Commission, UNESCO and others.

On March 1, 2022, the Kobe City Council unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the armed invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine.

The city is home to the headquarters of large enterprises and a number of research institutes such as the RIKEN Institute Kobe Center for Developmental Biology and Medical Imaging and the Advanced Institute of Computer Science (AICS, home of the K supercomputer), the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT ) Advanced ICT Research Institute, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention and Asian Center for Disaster Reduction.

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