Tomorrow, Lviv will say goodbye to defenders Ostap Zamasl and Yuriy Izyum

On Wednesday, September 13, Lviv will say goodbye to servicemen Ostap Zamasl and Yuriy Izy, who died at the hands of the Russian occupier while defending Ukraine. The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremony and to refrain from entertainment events and celebrations during this time.

The funeral service of Yuriy Izya will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the Church of All Saints of the Ukrainian People (32 Petliury St.).

Ostap Zamasl’s funeral will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul (Tetralna St., 11).

The city farewell ceremony for both soldiers will take place at 11:30 a.m. on Rynok Square.

Yuriy Izya will be buried at the Yanivskyi cemetery, Ostap Zamasla – in the village of Tovshchiv, Lviv region.

Biographical references of defenders

Download photo Ostap Zamaslo (02.06.1994-04.17.2023) Lvivian.
He studied at the Dzhereltse Elementary School of the Lviv City Council and at the Nadia Lyceum of the Lviv City Council. After graduating from the 9th grade, he entered the Technological Vocational College of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, studying information technologies.

He worked at a tire fitting in the village of Solonka, Lviv region.

With the start of the full-scale invasion, he helped repair cars for servicemen and volunteers.

He was an extremely versatile person, learned quickly and successfully completed any task. Despite his unsatisfactory state of health, he decided to become a volunteer for the defense of the Motherland. Performed combat missions to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state in the eastern direction as part of the 60th separate Ingulets infantry brigade of the Reserve Corps of Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ostap Zamasl is survived by his grandmother, parents, 10-year-old sister and 5-year-old son.

Download photo Yuriy Izyo (13.05.1975-09.09.2023) native of Lviv.
He studied at Lyceum No. 18 of the Lviv City Council (at that time it was the Secondary Secondary School). Received higher education at the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. After completing his studies, he engaged in private entrepreneurship.

In his free time, he was engaged in archaeological excavations and was an avid numismatist.

Yuriy Izyo was released from military service due to his health. Despite this, immediately after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he voluntarily stood up to defend the Motherland from the invaders. He defended the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state in the Kharkiv Region and Donetsk Region in the ranks of the 103rd Separate Territorial Defense Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Yuriy Izya is survived by his parents, wife, daughter and brother.

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