
FC “Danish Textile” won the match against the football club from Zhovkva 0:2

Championship of Lviv Oblast. August 20, Zhovkva

FC “Zhovkva” – FC “DANISH TEXIL” – 0:2

Goals: Makara (17), Bilyuk (61 from the penalty spot)

DT squad: Ivankiv, Musii (Tsarynskyi, 65), Zamorskyi, Pasternak, Balyas, O. Kovalenko (Zaloga, 92), Pakholok, Makara (Markiv, 46), Kohman (Bilyuk, 46), Hnatyshyn, Prykhidko.

Reserves: A. Kovalenko, Safiyan. Coach – Pavlo Sylvester.

The people of Sokal confidently started the fight for medals, having won the “Zhovkva” class.

The hero of the match was Vasyl Prykhidko, who in the first half gave an assist to Oleg Makara, and in the second – earned a penalty. We would like to note the good performance of the goalkeeper Nazar Ivankiv and the defenders of our team.

In general, our team in Zhovkva demonstrated a well-coordinated game in all areas, but it will be more difficult in the future…

Press service of FC “Danish Textile”

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