Новини культури

On March 1, an Alley of Memory dedicated to the fallen Heroes of Ukraine will be opened in Drohobych

In Drohobych, work is nearing completion on the construction of the Memory Alley, which will honor the feat of the newest Heroes – natives of the Drohobych community who defended Ukraine at the cost of their lives.

When: March 1, 18:00

Where: – city. Drohobych, Stepan Bandera Park

The project is being implemented at the request of the mothers and wives of the fallen Heroes. The idea and design of the Alley belongs to the wife of the fallen Hero Ruslan Siksoy (Ultras), the artist Khrystyna Solomchak.

Veteran soldiers, city utilities, and conscious businesses worked together to create the Alley of Memory. The symbolic metal structure was installed in Stepan Bandera Park.

The Alley of Memory is a symbolic arch with portraits of fallen defenders. Each portrait, in addition to a photo and brief information about the Hero, will have a QR code with a link to the Electronic Pantheon of Heroes, which contains a detailed biographical information about each soldier, his life and combat path, circumstances of death and burial place.

The arch is decorated with embroidered ornaments and symbolic birds. They will symbolize the bright souls of the Heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine.


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