A 21-year-old resident of Truskavets organized the sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances on the territory of Lviv region. He received bulk batches of “goods”, packaged and distributed through bookmarks. Currently, the perpetrator has been detained, he has been informed of the suspicion and a preventive measure has been chosen.
During the implementation of operational information, the employees of the department for combating drug crime in the Lviv region (UBN) together with the investigators of the Drogobytsky district police department in the city of Truskavets detained a 21-year-old man on one of the streets of the city. During the inspection of his belongings, the police found prepackaged bookmarks with “Alpha-PVP” and cannabis. During the investigation at the man’s place of residence, law enforcement officers found the psychotropic substance “LSD” packaged in slip-packs.
The law enforcement officers established that the perpetrator worked as a pawnbroker for an Internet store selling narcotics and psychotropic substances. He sold prohibited substances on the territory of the Lviv region, and received money in cryptocurrency.
Material evidence has been seized and sent for expert research, and its estimated value at black market prices is almost 200,000 hryvnias.
The figure was detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The investigators have already informed him of the suspicion under Part 1 of Art. 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, forwarding or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. And the Truskavet city court chose a preventive measure for him in the form of detention with the right to deposit bail in the amount of 214 thousand hryvnias. For such actions, he faces imprisonment for a term of up to eight years.
Currently, the police are continuing their efforts to identify the drug shop owners and possible accomplices of the person involved.
Procedural management in criminal proceedings is carried out by the Drohobytsk District Prosecutor’s Office.
Department for combating drug crime
National Police of Ukraine