According to the Central Rescue and Diving Service of the Lviv region, on 21 July at 06:30, divers of the emergency rescue manoeuvre group lifted the body of the victim, Mr E., born in 2004, a resident of the village of Artishchiv, Horodok district, who had disappeared the night before at about 21:40, from the lake in the village of Navariya, 7 metres from the shore.
The accident occurred in the evening, on 19 July, at a reservoir near the village of Vizhomlia, Yavoriv district. As it turned out, the young man was swimming on an inflatable mattress.
Rescuers of the Lviv region once again appeal to holidaymakers and emphasise that while relaxing near water bodies it is prohibited to
- Swim in places that are not designated by local authorities and are not equipped for swimming;
- use such dangerous means for swimming as boards, logs, car tyre chambers, air mattresses and other implements not intended for swimming;
- drink alcohol before and during swimming;
- allow dangerous games in the water that involve limiting the movement of arms and legs;
- children swimming without adult supervision.
Many water-related fatalities could have been avoided if holidaymakers had followed safety rules.