In the Telegram network, unknown individuals created two fake chatbots of the Lviv Region Hotline. All users are urged to be careful.
According to the head of the Lviv Regional Contact Center Taras Ropyanyk, the official address of the Lviv Region Hotline is @lodahotline_bot
Strangers: @lodahotlinebot and @lodahotline_robot
The SBU in Lviv region has already been informed about the creation of fake chatbots. At the same time, he noted that the chatbot has improved and developed a section “Frequently Asked Questions”. The sections “Immigrants”, “Going Abroad”, “Documents”, “For Entrepreneurs”, “Transport” and “Other” contain answers to the questions most frequently asked about the “Regional Hotline” during the last month.
Accordingly, it will allow all users to quickly obtain the necessary information. It should be noted that since the beginning of the war, the operators of the “Regional Hotline” have processed 2,085 calls in chatbots and almost 13,000 phone calls.
Please do not call the Lviv Oblast Hotline with minor problems. After all, each call is one busy line. Please use chatbots: Viber https://chats.viber.com/lodahotline_bot Telegram: https://t.me/lodahotline_bot Due to the large number of calls, the Lviv Region Hotline will only accept appeals related to war, evacuation, threats to life, accidents in the housing sector. Please understand the situation when you need to wait “on the line”.
The hotline operator cannot stop talking to the previous applicant to start a new one. In this case, you need to wait “on line” or use one of the chat bots. If you are within the Lviv region, call the short number 112, if in other regions – +38 032 259 60 31. In addition, in case of technical problems, you can call the backup numbers: 097 300 13 89, 097 300 13 84, 097 300 14 93