According to Lvavtodor, 65% of city public transport passengers pay for/register their trips with LeoCards – general, student, pupil and discounted cards.
In total, as of today, residents have issued and purchased more than 370 thousand LeoCards.
In particular, about 263 thousand personalized LeoCards have been issued to residents – preferential, student, and student cards. At the same time, Lviv residents purchased over 107 thousand general transportation cards.
“If you do not yet have your own privileged, student or pupil LeoCard, all the information on how to apply for it is available on the LeoCard website.
You can buy a general card “for everyone” at Interpress branded kiosks, as well as at EasyPay terminals equipped with special dispensers,” Lvivavtodor said.
As a reminder, on December 11 last year, cashless fare collection was launched on all city routes in Lviv. Today, most passengers pay with a LeoCard transport card, as the trip is the cheapest and costs UAH 13, and UAH 6.5 for students.
By the way, passengers make more than 2.5 million trips in Lviv’s public transport every week.