Стислий огляд подій

The Sheptytska City Council is forming a list of jurors

On the basis of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”, which came into force on 30.09.2016, in order to ensure direct participation of the people in the administration of justice, Sheptytska City Council announces the formation of the jury list in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 3 of this law.


Requirements for candidates:

  • Citizenship of Ukraine;
  • permanent residence in the territory covered by the jurisdiction of the Chervonohrad City Court;
  • age from 35 to 65 years.

Citizens are not eligible for inclusion in jury lists:

  • recognised by the court as having limited legal capacity or incapacitated;
  • have chronic mental or other illnesses that prevent them from performing jury duty;
  • who have a criminal record that has not been cancelled or expunged;
  • People’s Deputies of Ukraine, members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, judges, prosecutors, employees of internal affairs and other law enforcement agencies, military personnel, court staff, other civil servants, attorneys, notaries;
  • persons who have been subjected to an administrative penalty for committing a corruption offence within the last year;
  • Citizens who have reached the age of 65;
  • persons who do not speak the state language.

The remuneration paid to a juror for the performance of his/her duties in court is paid in accordance with the Procedure for Payment of Remuneration and Reimbursement of Expenses, Payment of Per Diem to a Juror for the Performance of Duties in Court, approved by Order of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine No. 198 dated 05.10.2016 (as amended).

Documents to be submitted for inclusion in the jury list:

1. a copy of the passport;

certificate of employment or a copy of a pension certificate;
certificate of residence;
certificate of no criminal record;
certificate of no mental or other chronic diseases;
certificate of no administrative penalties.

Documents are accepted from 16 October to 08 November at the following address: Lviv region, Sheptytsky, Shevchenko Ave. 19 (Sheptytsky City Council building), room. 113 (first floor).

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