Chervonohrad district: rescuers found a girl born in 2009 who got lost in the forest
On April 30, at 17:05, rescuers received a report that a girl born in 2009 had gotten lost in the forest in the village of Kulychkiv, Chervonohrad district.
Rescuers of the 52nd State Fire and Rescue Post of Velyki Mosty went in search of the girl. As it turned out, the girl, a resident of the village of Dvirtsi, Chervonohrad district, was walking to the village of Kulychkiv and decided to take a shortcut and go through the forest, but got lost.
At 18:01, rescuers from Velyki Mosty found the girl and brought her out of the forest.
The lost girl did not need medical care.