The Ukrainian Veterans Foundation invites veterans, active duty military personnel and women to take part in an online survey about their current needs and perceptions of career and professional development opportunities.
The Ministry of Veterans wants to know
– what professional development options you would like to choose in civilian life;
– what challenges and obstacles you may face in doing so;
– how effective, in your opinion, are the state institutions that are supposed to promote the professional and career development of veterans in civilian life, and what needs to be improved in the work of such institutions.
To participate, answer the questions in the survey: https://veteranfund.com.ua/opytuvannia
The survey is completely anonymous.
It should be noted that the Ukrainian Veterans Fund systematically studies the needs of female and male veterans: last November we presented the results of the online survey “Portrait of a Veteran” (https://bit.ly/3U2kWsG), and in June-July we learned about the needs and obstacles to employment of veterans (https://bit.ly/41VbSb7).
All the Foundation’s research is available at https://bit.ly/3HchUKO