This method of examination allows early detection of hereditary or congenital disease
In the maternity hospital of the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital, each child undergoes an extended neonatal screening for 21 diseases.
Diagnostics is absolutely free.
With the help of screening, a number of diseases can be detected, in particular: adrenogenital syndrome, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), severe combined immunodeficiency, cystic fibrosis, congenital hypothyroidism, galactosemia, phenylketonuria, and others.
“Early diagnosis of a rare disorder can be a matter of survival for babies, as early treatment can make a big difference in how the disease progresses. The future of a newborn child is difficult to predict. However, the results of the examination can help to provide some answers and in some cases prescribe special treatment. Thanks to screening, severe and life-threatening diseases will no longer go unnoticed. Parents can be sure that after birth their child will receive everything they need to be healthy and protected,” said Orest Chemerys, director of the health care department of Lviv Regional Government.
Blood is taken from the heel of a newborn at the age of 48-72 hours. Only parental consent is required for screening. In the event that deviations from normal indicators are detected, the parents are informed about this and the child is referred for further examination.
You can contact the maternity hospital of the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital by calling +380677367026.
As a reminder, since October, the Regional Neonatal Screening Center has been operating in the Lviv Regional Clinical Perinatal Center.