Every Russian strike is an argument that pressure on the terrorist state is not enough – address of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi

The head of state informed about the consequences of the Russian missile attack on Khmelnytskyi region, the holding of the selector with the participation of the military, intelligence and government officials, meetings with international experts regarding the key countries of the Global South.

Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainian women!

Report for this day.

Khmelnytskyi region, city of Slavuta. There, all the damage from the explosion of Russian drones last night is being recorded. “Shahedy” were shot down, but many houses were damaged – broken glass in windows, doors, roofs of buildings.

It is most likely that the target of these drones was the Khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant – the wave from the explosion knocked out windows, in particular, on the territory of the nuclear power plant… As of now, it is known that two dozen local residents have been injured. Everyone was given the necessary help.

This strike in the direction of the NPP is another reminder to all our partners of how important it is to strengthen Ukrainian air defense and how dangerous it is when Russia can circumvent world sanctions. Many components in attack drones used by Russian terrorists and in missiles originate from other countries, from various companies, in particular from Western companies. The effectiveness of sanctions against Russia is literally protection against terrorism.

Tomorrow in my schedule is participation in the meeting of the European Council – at the level of the leaders of the EU states. And among other things, I will talk about exactly this: sanctions against Russia need to be expanded and strengthened. And every Russian strike, and especially such bold ones, which are directed against nuclear plants and other critical objects, are arguments that pressure on the terrorist state is not enough.

And today there was an important selector – military, intelligence, government officials. Among the things that definitely deserve attention is the reaction of the occupier to the new capabilities of our soldiers.

After our guys hit the airfields in Berdyansk and Luhansk, we see that the occupiers are taking their aircraft further. In particular, they are trying to relocate from the territory of our Crimea. And this is a good signal. First the Russian fleet flees, now the Russian aviation flees. The habit of running away is something that will be very useful for Russia. Because we will have to free all our land. No exceptions. And I thank everyone in the world who helps us to become stronger and reach more distant goals. And thanks to our soldiers for their accuracy.

Held a meeting with our international experts regarding the key countries of the Global South and our relations with them. We continue the preparation of the meeting regarding the Peace Formula – we are working at all diplomatic levels. The content of the meeting is actually already ready, and now we are finalizing the circle of participants.

It is very important that in the relevant negotiations we see a constant focus on Ukraine and the need to end this war – to end it justly and honestly. There is such attention on different continents. And I am grateful to all the countries that have already confirmed their participation and level of representation in the Peace Formula meeting.

And one more.

Throughout the day I was in touch with our commanders and those responsible for ensuring our defensive and offensive operations. Shells, weapons, equipment. Own production. Support soldiers. We are also preparing a certain expansion of the geography of supply to Ukraine from partners. We will pass this marathon and achieve our victory. The main thing is to add strength to Ukraine, our state, and our people every day.

Glory to Ukraine!


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