In the Lviv region, they said goodbye to a soldier of the Zolochiv separate repair and restoration regiment

Побратими на руках несли тіло загиблого Павла Заяця до храму від рідної хати…

In the village of Gai, the Brodiv community said goodbye to a soldier of the Zolochiv separate repair and restoration regiment.

Kulemet writes about this with reference to the press service of the Brodiv City Council.

Pavlo Volodymyrovych Zayats, a senior mechanic of the repair platoon, died on September 27 while performing tasks in the combat zone in the south of Ukraine.

A 26-year-old serviceman saved dozens of civilians at the cost of his own life by reporting a missile strike on a radio station. People managed to evacuate to a shelter, but the fighter himself died.

Until his last breath, Pavlo Zayats conscientiously performed combat tasks, was a true Defender and died heroically defending our country. On February 26, a citizen of Haiv volunteered to defend Ukraine. The professional in his field was immediately sent to the appropriate positions.

The death of Pavel Zayats is an irreparable loss for the Armed Forces and a great grief for the family. He was the only long-awaited child in the family.

“Now who will I live for? I did everything for my son and for my son’s sake. Did I pray badly? Maybe I didn’t pray enough? I asked the Lord every day not only for my son, but also for all the child soldiers,” says the burned mother of Mrs. Vira over her son’s body.

Together with the mother, the whole community cried, sharing the pain of loss and thanking the parents for raising a real Hero.

Eternal memory and honor!

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