Our Peace Formula is gradually, step by step, becoming global – address of the President of Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelenskyi spoke about the key events of the 612th day of Ukraine’s resistance to the full-scale invasion of Russian troops.

I wish you good health, dear Ukrainian men and women!

Today is the first day of the summit in Malta – a meeting of advisers and diplomatic representatives regarding our Peace Formula, which is gradually, step by step, becoming global.

66 states are represented at the summit, and this is significant. All continents are represented. Many states, different political traditions. I thank all the leaders and countries who have already supported a shared vision for peace. And there is potential to expand the representation of states. The points of our Formula are designed so that everyone in the world who truly values international law can express themselves and their values and support global efforts against aggression.

Five of the ten points of the Formula are currently being worked on at the summit in Malta. These are “Nuclear and radiation security”, “Food security”, “Energy security”, “Release of all prisoners and deported people” and “Restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the world order”. Regarding each point of the Formula, groups of states were formed, which focused on implementation. Ukrainian work on the Formula is led by Andriy Yermak, involved teams of the Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, government officials, representatives of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. I am grateful to everyone who adds such diplomatic power to Ukraine.

Last year, when I first presented the Formula, the world was still debating different visions, quite different approaches to restoring our state border and honest peace. And the world majority is gradually uniting around a common and just vision, which is reflected in the Peace Formula. World unity is what is really needed for the aggressors to lose.

And it is very symbolic that we have such a strong manifestation of international unity today, October 28, on the day when we remember in Ukraine the Second World War and the anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazis from our territory. Then the Ukrainian people, together with many nations, fought to defeat evil. It was the unity that gave the nations the strength they needed. And not only to defeat Nazism and punish the Nazis for the crimes they committed against humanity – for the Holocaust, for the destruction of nations, but also to establish such an architecture of security and peace that would protect against a new global war. Now we see that the architecture created then did not work. But unity will definitely work effectively. The unity of all those who help Ukraine defeat racism. And we will defeat him. Necessarily. And the unity of everyone in the world who works together with us, together with all our partners, to renew the force of international law and the real weight of the principles and norms of the UN Charter.

The world is not a place for aggression. Humanity will come to this. This is the only way to protect life.

And one more.

Today, I would like to pay particular attention to the Ukrainian border guards. There will be a time – we are doing everything to bring it closer – when border guards of Ukraine will work calmly on all sections of our sovereign state border. And now many of them, together with all defense and security forces, are fighting on the front lines to bring the time of peace for Ukraine closer. I thank the entire staff of the State Border Service of Ukraine. And you and I deserve special gratitude… The soldiers of the Kramatorsk border detachment, in particular, senior sergeant Roman Malysh and major Vadim Kostenko. They are fighting in the direction of Bakhmut. Thank you for your strength!

Soldiers of the Kharkiv border detachment – senior soldier Oleksandr Kovalenko and senior lieutenant Serhii Sydorskyi – are also performing tasks in Donetsk region. Thank you, warriors!

Lyman direction. The unit of the Mogilev-Podilsky border detachment is Senior Sergeant Oleksandr Leus. Thank you for your courage!

Kupyansky direction, “Steel Border” brigade – sergeants Anatoliy Pavlovsky, Valery Pokrytyuk, Mykola Bilyk and senior sergeant Maksym Bazarov. Thank you, soldiers, for the destruction of Russian equipment and artillery!

Glory to all who fight and work for the sake of our state and the liberation of all of Ukraine from the occupiers! Thanks to everyone in the world who helps!

Glory to Ukraine!


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