Today Lviv will say goodbye to Hero Andriy Soltishchak

Today, June 16, Lviv will say goodbye to Andriy Soltishchak, who, having perished, protecting Ukraine from the Russian invaders. Mary calls to Lvivyan and the guests of the place will reach the Mishka ceremony of farewell, and at the same time, at the same time, they will be held at the celebration of the entrance of that holy day.

The rite of the funeral will be announced at 11:00 at the Garrison Church of Sts. app. Peter and Paul, at 11:30 a.m. there will be a farewell ceremony on Rynok Square. Bury the Hero at the Lichakivsky hoard.

Route of the funeral procession: Garrison Church of Sts. app. Peter and Paul UGCC (vul. Teatralna, 11) – pl. Cathedral – pl. Rinok (Miska farewell ceremony) – vul. Ruska – vul. Pidvalna – vul. Volodymyr Vinnichenko – pl. Soborna – vul. Pekarska – st. Shimzeriv – vul. Mechnikov – Lichakivsky tsvintar.


Biographical conclusion of the Hero


Andriy Soltishchak (12.12.1977-03.07.2023). The native of Zhovkva, Lviv region.
Started at the Zhovkivsky mortgage of the central middle education of I-III stages No. 2. Graduated from the Lvov Higher Military-Political School (this year – the National Academy of Land Military named after Hetman Petro Sahaydachny) for the specialty “Law of Law”.

After the completion of the training, having served in the military service for a contract at the lavas of the zv’yazkivtsiv near the village of Volya-Visotska, Lviv region.

For 10 years he worked as a leading specialist at the Service for the Rights of the Children of the Large Zhovkiv Regional State Administration. From the beginning of Russian aggression, he served at the warehouse of the 7th cordon Carpathian corral of the Sovereign cordon service of Ukraine.

After the beginning of a large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, having captured Batkivshchyna from the lava of the 24th mechanized brigade named after King Danylo of the operational command “Zakhid” of the Land Forces of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

Andriy Soltishchak lost his father, squad, two children, that sister.

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