Senior Lieutenant Mykhailo Gamkalo, associate professor of the Department of Tourism of Lviv University, died in the battle with the Russian invaders

Mykhailo Gamkalo, associate professor of the department of tourism of Lviv University, senior lieutenant, platoon commander, candidate of sciences, died in the battle with the Russian occupiers.

The man defended Ukraine from the Moscow invasion from the first days of the full-scale war, because he loved the Motherland immensely and dreamed of returning with Victory. After all, he knew that his parents, wife Olga Karpinska, son Ostap (15 years old) and daughter Marichka (8 years old) were waiting for him at home.

The sad news was announced at Ivan Franko Lviv National University

On August 18, 2022, Mykhailo died as a result of severe injuries received during enemy artillery and mortar fire.

“That’s how TROUBLE entered the house… He always independently chose his path in Life, like going to fight with the damned Muscovites. You, our Pride. Eternal memory,” our Hero’s father, Zenon Gamkalo, wrote on Facebook.

In 1998, Mykhailo graduated from LNU named after I. Franko (specialty – geography). From that time, he began to build his career at Lviv University in the direction of teaching.

Mykhailo Gamkalo was one of the best teachers at the University. Students liked to attend his classes, because the man was always creative. During the teaching period, Mykhailo developed about 10 special courses, the subject of which is tourism, and published more than 70 scientific papers. At the same time, the man managed the student scientific group “Active tourism”, whose members were engaged in hiking, mountain, water, bicycle, and ski tourism.

Students and teachers of the University express their deepest condolences to Mykhailo’s parents, wife and children.
Eternal glory and eternal bow to the Hero of Ukraine for his feat!

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