On Defender’s Day, the body of the fallen Hero Yaroslav Mysak was found in Sokal

Після закінчення заходу священик, пластуни, батьки Героїв, керівництво міста помолилися на могилах Героїв, поклали квіти та запалили лампадки.

On October 1, an evening was held in Sokal on the occasion of Defender of Ukraine Day. Near the monument to Taras Shevchenko, photos of the Heroes of the Sokal community, who died in the war, reminded everyone what a high price Ukraine pays for freedom and independence.

This was reported in the Sokal City Council.

Unfortunately, very few people came to honor the Defenders, even though it was Sunday, a day off… The parents of the Heroes cried that our people are indifferent and do not appreciate the feat of their sons. It was a shame to look into the eyes of a mother who lost her son, and the people of Sokal cannot sacrifice half an hour of their time to come and pray for the Heroes.

After the end of the event, the priest, plastrons, parents of the Heroes, the city management prayed at the graves of the Heroes, laid flowers and lit lamps.

Later, they found the body of Hero Yaroslav Mysak, who died in the war.

The Defender’s funeral took place today in his native village of Ravshchyna.

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