Tomorrow, Lviv will say goodbye to defender Natalia Boyko and two defenders

Tomorrow Lviv will say goodbye to soldiers Natalia Boyko, Borys Kompilekevych and Pavlo Pelykh

On Tuesday, 22 October, Lviv will say goodbye to soldiers Natalia Boyko, Borys Kompilekevych and Pavlo Pelykh, who defended Ukraine from Russian occupiers.

The mayor’s office calls on residents and visitors to join the city’s farewell ceremony and refrain from entertainment and celebrations during this time.

The funeral ceremony will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Ss. Peter and Paul. Later, at approximately 11:30 a.m., a citywide funeral ceremony will be held on Rynok Square.

Natalia Boyko, Borys Kompilekevych and Pavlo Pelykh will be buried at Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv.

Biographical information about the defenders

Наталія Бойко (23.08.1989-17.10.2024) Львів’янка.
Nataliia Boiko (23.08.1989-17.10.2024) Lviv resident.

Nataliia Boiko (23.08.1989-17.10.2024) was a resident of Lviv.

She studied at the Vasyl Stefanyk Secondary School No. 22 in Lviv. Later, she received two higher education degrees: from Lviv University of Trade and Economics and from the Stepan Zenonovych Hzhytskyi Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology.

After graduation, she first worked as a receptionist at the Polytep Private Enterprise and later in the beauty industry. During the latter period, she worked as a teacher at the Ptashenya kindergarten.

Since the first days of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, she has been actively involved in volunteering for the needs of the Security and Defence Forces of Ukraine. In July 2023, despite her lack of combat experience, she stood up to defend the state from Russian invaders. She fought against the invaders in the eastern direction in the ranks of the 59th Separate Motorised Infantry Brigade named after Yakiv Handziuk of the South Operational Command of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. She was repeatedly honoured by the military command for her conscientious service.

Nataliia Boyko is survived by her son, parents and sister.

Борис Компілекевич (07.05.1990-18.06.2024) Львівʼянин.
Borys Kompilekevych (07.05.1990-18.06.2024) Lviv resident.

Borys Kompilekevych (07.05.1990-18.06.2024) was a resident of Lviv.

He studied at the Ivan Pului Lyceum of the Lviv City Council.

He received a degree in electrical engineering from the State Vocational Training Institution Interregional Higher Vocational School of Motor Transport and Construction.

For almost ten years, he worked as a freight forwarder at the Boychak Lviv Trading House Limited Liability Company. In his spare time, he was fond of cars and dedicated his life to driving.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he defended the state from Russian invaders. He performed combat missions to defend the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine as part of the 25th separate airborne Sicheslavska brigade of the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Borys Komplikevych is survived by his parents, wife and daughter.

Павло Пелих (08.07.1979-11.10.2024) Львів’янин.
Pavlo Pelykh (08.07.1979-11.10.2024) A resident of Lviv.

Pavlo Pelykh (08.07.1979-11.10.2024) was a resident of Lviv.

He studied at the secondary school №65 in Lviv. He received vocational training as a painter of artistic finishing in Lviv.

After graduation, he worked in the construction industry in Kyiv and Cherkasy. He was actively involved in sports, including football, and was a candidate for master of sports in orienteering. He was fond of literature and cinema.

With the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, he stood up to defend his homeland from Russian invaders. He defended the territorial integrity and independence of the state in the ranks of the 225th separate assault battalion of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Pavlo Pelykh is survived by his mother, wife, son, brother, friends and acquaintances.

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