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Guardianship over a child is an alternative to employment

These days, the specialist of the Novoyavoriv city branch of the Lviv Community Center, together with the head of the department of the Center for the provision of social services of the Novoyavoriv city council V. Zhovniriv and the deputy head of the service for children of the Novoyavoriv city council, Taras Fulmes, held an event for the unemployed, the purpose of which is to find candidates for foster care teachers. 16 participants were invited to the seminar in an offline format.

Representatives of the Novoyavoriv City Council informed that guardianship over a child is temporary care, education and rehabilitation of a child in the family of a foster carer for the period of overcoming difficult life circumstances by the child, his parents or other legal representatives with the consent of all his family members. Also, Victoria Zhovniriv and Taras Fulmes informed the unemployed in detail about the essence and content of fostering a child, who can be a foster parent, what documents are needed to become a foster parent, how many children can be placed under foster care at the same time, how long a child can stay in a foster family , about payment for child guardianship services, etc.

Conducting such events significantly increases awareness and helps to solve the employment issues of our clients – job seekers. If you love children, have proper living conditions and, most importantly, a desire to help others, it’s time to become a guardian for a while for one little Ukrainian!!!

The employment service will continue to work in this direction together with the relevant services, because the credo of acting for the sake of children is very important in the present time.

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