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Ultrasound of an Infant’s Kidneys: Why Is It Important?

The kidneys are a vital organ, and their condition needs to be checked from the first days of life. Some congenital pathologies may not have external manifestations, but a timely ultrasound examination (US) of the kidneys can help detect them and prevent serious complications, emphasizes our urologist Igor Grymak.

👶 When should a kidney ultrasound be done?…

  • Optimally – within the first 7–14 days after birth
  • If there were cases of kidney diseases in the family – even at the childbirth stage
  • If during pregnancy peculiarities of the urinary system were detected in an ultrasound

🩺 What does the ultrasound reveal?

  • Developmental anomalies (doubling of the kidney, absence of one kidney, change in size)
  • Hydronephrosis – dilation of the kidney calyx, which can lead to kidney function impairment
  • Polycystic and other congenital changes
  • The presence of stones or sand in the kidneys (which rarely, but can occur even in infants)

Timely diagnosis is the key to a child’s healthy development! If your little one hasn’t undergone a kidney ultrasound yet – do not postpone this important examination.

📍Address: Lviv, Lysenka St., 31.

📲 Contact for appointment:
(067) 760 00 31 or (032) 236 81 55.

🔗 Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/ohmatdyt.lviv

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