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The minimum wage will increase in October

According to the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget for 2022”, from October 1 the minimum wage will be UAH 6,700 (now it is UAH 6,500)

The subsistence minimum for persons who have lost their ability to work since July 1, 2022 is UAH 2,027. In December, it will reach the level of UAH 2,093.

As reported by Svitlana Sidelnyk, head of Citizen Service Department No. 5 of the city of Chervonograd (service center) of the Citizen Service Department of the Main Office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Lviv Region, persons who do not work and have reached the age of 65 and have the required experience (women – 30 years, and men – 35), the pension will be calculated based on the amount of the minimum wage and cannot be lower than UAH 2,680.

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