Фестивалі та концерти

“Veselka” collective from Sokal took part in the All-Ukrainian Festival of Folk Choreography named after Pavlo Virsky

On May 11, the first regional round of the VII All-Ukrainian Festival-Contest of Folk Choreography
named after Pavlo Virsky, which was attended by an exemplary folk dance group
“Veselka” of the Cultural Institution “People’s House of Sokal” of the Sokal City Council (headed by Nadiya Ganitkevych).

The organizer of the festival-competition is the Lviv regional branch of the National Choreographic Union of Ukraine 🇺🇦.

I thank my talented children for their hard work, and their parents for their understanding and constant support. We are happy that we had the opportunity to see the high professional level of performance of the best dance groups of Lviv region,” said Nadiya Ganitkevych, the head of the group.

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