In the 1.5 weeks since the launch of the State Agrarian Register, more than 3,000 farmers have registered in it. Among the leaders are Lviv, Kyiv, Kirovohrad and Vinnytsia regions.
This was told by the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization, Denys Bashlyk.
As of August 24, 239 agricultural producers of Lviv Oblast were registered in the State Agrarian Register. Only after registration, such producers will be able to apply for support from September 1 to November 15, namely:
– budget subsidy per unit of cultivated agricultural land in the amount of 3,100 hryvnias per hectare, but no more than 372,000 hryvnias for one recipient;
– a special subsidy for keeping cattle (cows) of all productivity areas in the amount of 5,300 hryvnias per cow, but no more than 530,000 hryvnias for one recipient.
We emphasize that the recipients of financial support can be both citizens of Ukraine and legal entities whose founders are exclusively natural persons — citizens of Ukraine.
“All information about the agricultural producer will be automatically pulled from the registers related to his activity: the State Land Cadastre, the Register of Animals and the State Register of Property Rights. If you cannot register yourself, call the department of agro-industrial development and we will be able to help you with registration over the phone,” said Tetyana Getman, director of the department of agro-industrial development of the Lviv Regional Military Administration.
An agricultural producer can independently register in the State Agrarian Register on the website www.dar.gov.ua by specifying a mobile phone number, e-mail and using an electronic digital signature.