In 2024, the Lviv region saw a significant expansion in orchard areas and an increase in the production of fruit and berries, with a special focus on fast-bearing berry crops.
By the end of the year, the total area of fruit and berry plantations in the fruiting stage reached 13.7 thousand hectares, up by 0.6 thousand hectares compared to the previous year. Of these, about 2 thousand hectares are cultivated by enterprises, an increase of 0.3 thousand hectares from 2023. Additionally, new plantations established by businesses cover 222.5 hectares. In the overall structure of plantations, fruit crops account for 80%, berry crops for 12%, and nut crops for 8%.
Total production volumes of fruit and berry products in 2024 reached 157.3 thousand tons, 7.3% more than last year. Productivity also increased by 3.8%, reaching 11.47 tons per hectare. The most significant yield improvements were seen in blueberries, apricots, raspberries, apples, and strawberries.
“Lviv Region is one of Ukraine’s most promising areas for horticulture development. A significant share of new plantations consists of berry crops, which bear fruit quickly, helping to supply the domestic market with high-quality products. However, many producers still need to improve post-harvest processing – packaging, sorting, cooling, and transportation. These factors are critical for ensuring product quality and shelf life,” emphasized Liudmyla Honcharenko, Director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development at the Lviv Regional State Administration.