Surgeons of the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center removed a tumor of the adrenal gland of a boy from Poltava – at this time in Lviv there was a continuing air alarm
Alarm sirens sounded twice in Lviv during this operation, but the difficult operation was not interrupted. Removal of the tumor in the child passed without complications. Now the boy’s doctors and parents are waiting for the results of histology to decide on further treatment.
7-year-old Vitalik was diagnosed with adrenal tumor in early March, when the war in Ukraine was already going on. The boy’s mother was concerned about the symptoms that indicated premature puberty: first of all, the rapid development of secondary sexual characteristics. Ultrasound revealed the cause of the problem – hormonally active formation of the left adrenal gland.
Vitalik’s mother found out from the Internet that such operations are successfully carried out in #specialbytehospital. After consulting with our doctors, the family decided to come to Lviv for treatment.
“Given the size of the education, which is about 5 cm, the council of doctors of the surgical department together with the head Bohdan Romanyshyn decided to operate immediately and not waste time on a previous biopsy,” said Andrij Kuzyk, head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery. Danylo Halytsky and pediatric surgeon of ZUSDMC.
Experienced surgeons, Andriy Kuzyk and his colleague, Associate Professor Andriy Zhuravchak Zhuravchak, managed to remove the tumor minimally invasively, through three small incisions of 5 mm to reduce the so-called. surgical trauma.
A team of anesthesiologists led by Ivanna Andreychuk used a combined version of anesthesia – general anesthesia with muscle relaxation and artificial lung ventilation in combination with epidural anesthesia. This approach allowed the intervention to be performed without any complications that are potentially possible when removing the adrenal glands, and to reduce the duration of postoperative rehabilitation.
After the operation, Vitalik is feeling well and is already attending online lessons. The boy misses his brother and sister very much, so he wants to return home to Poltava as soon as possible. The results of the histology of the tumor determine whether little Vitalik will stay in Lviv to continue treatment or will be able to return home.
“We are ready to offer the boy’s family the full range of available treatment. After all, now our medical institution is almost the only Center for Pediatric Cancer Treatment in Ukraine. On this occasion, I would like to advise all parents to pay attention to the health of their children, and despite the war to conduct routine examinations to identify changes in time, “- sums up Andrew Kuzyk.
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