According to the data from LKP «Lvivavtodor», the number of free transfers in the public transport of Lviv continues to increase, reaching more than 90,000 weekly. This figure is approximately twice as high as last July when this service was introduced.
Transfer availability is provided for owners of LeoCard and users of the LeoCard mobile application. Passengers who register using the LeoCard are given a 40-minute timeframe for free transfers after the first validation. Those who use the app have the same timeframe to validate the QR code in the first mode of transport and transfer without additional charges.
According to city transport providers, just last week, 95,000 free transfers were made. Over the past seven months, citizens have used this opportunity more than 2.2 million times. Mykola Vlasyuk, director of LKP «Lvivavtodor», emphasized that this has allowed residents to save significantly. If all trips are validated within a 40-minute period, passengers only pay 13 UAH, making city travel more accessible and economical.
It is worth reminding that the free transfer system was put into operation on July 12 of last year and from December 11 also applies to users of the LeoCard app. Passengers have the opportunity to transfer between different types of city transport within a 40-minute window without additional fare, and the number of transfers is unlimited if done within the allotted time.