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Weather Forecast for Lviv Region and Lviv: Rain and Thunderstorms

Weather Forecast for Lviv Region: Rain and Thunderstorms

For Lviv Region: Cloudy with clearings. Rain at night in some places, during the day across the whole territory. Thunderstorms in some areas. Southeastern wind changing to southwestern, 9 – 14 m/s, with gusts of 15 – 20 m/s in some places during the day. Temperature at night 5 – 10°C, during the day 11 – 16°C.

Weather in Lviv

In Lviv: Cloudy with clearings. No precipitation at night, occasional rain in the morning and afternoon. Southeastern wind changing to southwestern, 9 – 14 m/s. Temperature at night 7 – 9°C, during the day 12 – 14°C.

Visibility deterioration due to rain.

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