On October 25, in Zolochiv Oblast, the summing up of the results of the project “Cross-border pilgrimage route as a tool for promoting the common historical and cultural heritage in the Ukrainian-Polish border area” took place.
Association of local self-government bodies “Euroregion Carpathians – Ukraine” together with Polish partners developed a concept and received financial support from the European Union for the implementation of this project within the framework of the cross-border cooperation program Poland – Belarus – Ukraine 2014-2020.
The project budget amounted to more than 2.1 million euros, of which the EU grant was 1.9 million euros. The EU grant for Ukraine amounted to EUR 962.7 thousand.
Within the scope of the project, the tower of the temple with a bell tower in Pidkamen, which is a monument of architecture of national significance of the 15th-18th centuries, was restored. In the monastery complex, the yard was also landscaped and lighting was installed.
The pilgrimage route will run to the Church of St. Jadwiga in Mokobody and the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Golubl, which are located on the territory of Poland.
“This is our only monument of national importance, which was restored with the funds of the cross-border cooperation program, including thanks to co-financing from the regional budget, cooperation between the regional council and the state administration, the support of international partners and the ideological inspirers of the project,” said the head of the Lviv Regional Council Iryna Hrymak. – I am convinced that the experience of such cooperation, which should and must grow into new projects, has recently been approved by the European Commission, a new cross-border program between Poland and Ukraine until 2027. I believe that our communities, communal facilities and institutions will become its active participants.”
According to the mayor of Brody, Anatolii Beley, this object is attractive and interesting and, without a doubt, will attract both local and foreign tourists.
A final conference on the results of the project is also planned today, where the new Poland-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027 will be presented.
In addition, the participants of the conference will discuss important issues of preservation of the historical and cultural heritage during the war, prospects for the formation, implementation and financing of a systemic regional policy for the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage in new conditions.
There will also be a discussion on the promotion of our sights as tourist magnets, and they will talk about the cooperation of authorities, non-governmental organizations, specialists, and experts in order to find new solutions in the field of popularizing sights and their integration into existing tourist routes.