In the Stryi District of the Lviv Region, experts are cleaning the Dniester River due to the leakage of transformer oil in the territory of the village of Borodchitsi. More than 60 tons of oil-oil substance have already been pumped out, the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Oblast reported.
It is noted that ecologists discovered the pollution as early as December 24, 2022.
On the territory of the Stryi District, measures are being taken to eliminate the pollution of the Dniester River by petroleum products due to the leakage of transformer oil.
As of today, what has been done to eliminate the consequences⁉️
▶by the forces of the Khodoriv city council, 5 reed dams were installed in the domestic melioration channel and the old channel of the Dniester River in order to contain the oil-oil substance and prevent it from entering the Dniester River;
▶forces of the 2nd special rapid response center of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine installed protective barriers in three places. More than 60 tons of oil-oil substance were pumped out;
▶The state institution Lviv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine carried out a sanitary and hygienic control of the quality of drinking water from private wells in the village of Crane No excesses of polluting substances were found, sanitary indicators are normal;
▶cleaning of the Dniester River polluted by oil products was carried out.
We would like to point out that the VP “Western Energy System” PJSC “@National Energy Company “Ukrenergo” did not take any measures to eliminate the leakage of oily substance (oil), from the territory of which there is an entry into the reclamation channel and the Dniester River.
In addition, as of today, in connection with the weather conditions and the rise of the water level, part of the oil products that settled on the bushes got into the reclamation channel, the waters of which enter the Dniester River.
As reported by the Lviv Regional Center for Hydrometeorology, as of February 27, the surface of the Dniester River within the Zhuravno hydrostation has been cleaned.
Taking into account the current situation, monitoring of the state of the Dniester River continues, measures to eliminate it continue.
We remind you that on December 24, 2022, oil pollution of the Dniester River was detected in the territory of Lviv region, as a result of the leakage of transformer oil in the territory of the village of Borodchitsy, Stryi district.