Кримінальні події

(Українська) У ПП “Краківець” прикордонники виявили контрабанду брендового одяг та взуття на 6,7 млн гривень

Брендовий одяг та взуття з приховуванням на 6,7 млн грн виявили на кордоні з Польщею

Driver tried to smuggle branded goods worth UAH 6.7 million from Hungary

At Krakivets checkpoint, border guards found smuggled branded clothing and footwear worth UAH 6.7 million

At the Krakivets checkpoint in Lviv region, border guards and customs officers, based on preliminary information from the operational and investigative department of the 7th Carpathian border guard detachment, found goods hidden from control in a truck driven by a 29-year-old driver.

During an in-depth inspection of the vehicle, among more than 10,000 kilograms of bags, backpacks, toys, watches and shoes declared to be Chinese-made, 3,627 pairs of sneakers made in Vietnam and 120 women’s jackets, which were not mentioned in the documents, were found. According to preliminary data, the estimated value of the goods is UAH 6.7 million.

It was established that the director of a Hungarian trading company committed actions aimed at moving goods across the customs border of Ukraine concealed from customs control.

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