In April, employees of the parking inspection department issued 294 notices to violators of parking rules, and in accordance with these notices, imposed fines in the total amount of 188,360 hryvnias.
As of May 1, the city budget of Chervonograd received 76,364 hryvnias.
In general, since the beginning of the year, inspectors issued fines for violations of the rules in the total amount of UAH 491,300. UAH 235,004 was received from the payment of fines for improper parking to the city treasury.
We remind you that the minimum fine is UAH 340.
If the offending driver pays within 10 days, the amount of the fine is halved. The most frequent violations recorded by inspectors during raids are stopping closer than 10 meters from the exit from the adjacent territory, parking near public transport stops and pedestrian crossings.