The trainers talked about professionalism, working with the audience, personal brand, and social media communication.
Participants of the winter intensive course “Hear the Doctor” have already attended lectures by project manager Halyna Bordun, deputy head of the information policy department of the Lviv Regional Medical Association Maria Kurylo, marketing specialist Maria Velyka, and intern Anastasia Kozerenko.
The main goal is a systematic approach to training. The project wants the volunteers to be prepared to speak at schools and improve their skills to present information in a quality manner.
Below are some tips on speaking that may be useful to the general public.
Together with project leader Halyna Bordun, the participants discussed how to overcome the fear of public speaking and the most common myths about health.
She also shared how to effectively convey information in 45 minutes, which is the amount of time volunteers usually spend speaking to students:
⁃ define the purpose and topic of the speech;
⁃ personal story: why you joined the project;
⁃ share specific examples for clarity;
⁃ keep the audience’s attention.
In her lecture, Mariia Kurylo spoke about what you should pay attention to when sharing content on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. She also focused on dealing with criticism.
“The more you develop your social media pages, the more fans and followers you will have, as well as those who criticize. As for the latter, always ask yourself before reacting: “Are they criticizing my work because of objective shortcomings or are they criticizing me as a person, without specific arguments?” If it’s the latter, then think about whether it’s worth spending time and effort on those to whom you can’t prove anything by default. You’ll also gain recognition, which is probably what they’re criticizing you for.
Just keep doing your job responsibly. Deliver information in clear, “human” language. You will get results,” emphasized Maria Kurylo.
“Take advantage of opportunities and make yourself known to the world,” urged Maria the Great.
The training continues:
– 31.01 lecture by Olesya Pohodilo, obstetrician-gynecologist
– 01.02 lecture by cardiologist Dmytro Besh
– 02.02 lecture by orthopedic traumatologist Yuriy Trutyak
– 05.02 lecture by psychiatrist Orest Suval
– 07.02 lecture by epidemiologist Natalia Ivanchenko
Registration for the intensive course: https://forms.gle/pu9t4WE191fP4aAR7
Join the team of volunteers of “Hear the Doctor”: https://forms.gle/7yVpPWykjvMxcXD8A
For reference.
“Hear the Doctor” is a project initiated by Maksym Kozytskyi, head of the Lviv Regional Medical Association. It has been running for three years. This is an educational project of the Lviv Regional Medical Association, in which volunteers (doctors, interns, medical students) give lectures to students in schools about healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.
The goal is to improve public health and prevent the development of the most common diseases. Volunteers give lectures on the most popular topics among young people: puberty, injuries and first aid, healthy eating, mental health, heart attack and stroke prevention.