Why is this Plan important?
Its main goal is to ensure a smooth transition from the coal industry to green energy.
The first project is the creation of the Chervonograd industrial park.
What is an “industrial park”?
These are special industrial territories, as a rule, with prepared engineering and transport infrastructure, a set of necessary services, simplified regulatory procedures and a package of investment incentives for production and research enterprises.
What will it bring to the community?
- restoration of the city’s industrial potential, diversification of the mono-profile coal economy;
- use of the logistics potential of the city, its border location;
- creation of new jobs, including for the employment of coal mining and related industries, internally displaced persons;
- increasing the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the city;
- increase in financial revenues to budgets of all levels;
- implementation of strategic documents for the development of the region and community
Location: Silets village, next to the territory of mine No. 7
It should be noted that this project is being implemented by the Chervonograd City Council together with the project “Supporting Structural Changes in the Coal Regions of Ukraine” implemented by GIZ Ukraine.