Such a decision was made by the participants of the community rumors, as they died at week 6 sickle in Sosnivtsi for food “The dismantling of the fraternal graves of the Radyansky partisans-naumivtsy and civilians of the village of Zavonie, they perished in the hands of the Nazi fascist guardsmen 6 Birch of 1944 to the fate “that re-burial of the remains.
For information, I gave Yury Hryniv, a specialist in the department of culture of the Chervonograd city for the sake of Yury Hryniv, an object of education in 1974. Vіn rich plot, shards in the monument itself є chotiri group elements. There, the radian partisans-naumivtsi were buried, the peaceful Meshkans died tragically. Zavonie; є the burial of the remains of an unknown Radyansky pilot, as well as the veneration of the names of people who were taken to the Gross-Rosen Conservatory (now the territory of the Republic of Poland) in the fate of the war. In memory of them, a pedestal was built into the monument;
For an hour of discussion, the participants of the rumors praised the decision to turn back to the Chervonohrad Mishkoy for the sake of the proposition about the introduction of changes in the name of the mass grave, and itself: “innocently killed at the rock of the Other World War” and change the architecture mounted on a stele in a sculptural group.