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“Vareniki for the indomitable”: in Chervonohrad Oblast, children and teachers prepared a Christmas treat for the military

The children, together with their teachers, prepared more than three hundred dumplings with potatoes and cabbage.

The school family of Sosniv School No. 14 in the Chervonohrad community, together with the “Children of Light” community of the catechetical school of the UGCC of the Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul, joined the action “Vareniki for the indomitable.”

The children, together with their teachers, prepared more than three hundred dumplings with potatoes and cabbage.

“The products were prepared by our own efforts, and the flour was provided by the priest of the local Temple of St. Zenova. The children and the team painstakingly made dumplings and sang carols so that our Soldiers could feel the spirit of Christmas and the native warmth of home even in extremely difficult conditions of combat operations. Thank you to everyone who participated in this campaign. Together we will stand and win,” said the teacher of the Sosniv School, Olga Sagaydak.

Yesterday, trucks with food were sent to the soldiers from Sosnivka, who today are doing military service as part of the 24th separate mechanized brigade, the 80th separate airborne assault brigade and the 63rd separate battalion of the TrO Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – Chervonograd.

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