Work is underway in Drohobych to create a Memory Alley, a symbolic place that will honour the deeds of all the newest Heroes who have defended Ukraine at the cost of their lives.
At the request of the mothers and wives of the fallen Heroes, Drohobych decided to honour the memory of the fallen defenders by implementing an original project designed by the wife of the fallen Hero Ruslan Siksoy (Ultras), artist Khrystyna Solomchak.
Khrystyna developed the design of the future Alley, which was supported by the families of the fallen defenders. After that, hard work began on the project – a working group met weekly at the Drohobych City Council, and fundraising from concerned Drohobych residents and patrons continued.
In particular, to raise funds for a good cause, employees of the city council and subordinate utilities voluntarily gave up their daily wages, and entrepreneurs also joined the project. No funds from the city council budget were spent on the project.
The project is being implemented by the Department of Social, Psychological, Legal Support and Interaction with Defenders and Their Families, in cooperation with the Department of Digitalisation, Information Policy and Communications, which collected, processed and systematised photos and information about the fallen Heroes from the Drohobych community.
All this information is collected on a single portal – the Electronic Pantheon of Fallen Heroes, which will be presented for public access soon.
The Alley of Memory itself will be a symbolic arch in Stepan Bandera Park with portraits of the fallen defenders. Each portrait, in addition to a photo and brief information about the Hero, will have a QR code with a link to a portal with more detailed biographical information about each soldier, his life and combat path, circumstances of death and burial place.
The installation of the Alley has already begun. The start of the work was announced by war veteran Leonid Fedevych, who, together with his sons, was engaged in the manufacture of the metal structures of the arch.
After the Arch is installed, it will be supplemented with plates with photos of the fallen Heroes and symbolic birds. They will symbolise the bright souls of the Heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine. The arch will be decorated with embroidered ornaments.