LKP “Heritage Bureau” announces another set of applications from residents for the Co-financing Program for the renovation of historic windows and gates. The participants of the new set will be residents who volunteer through Lviv administrative service centers exclusively from September 1 to 15.
“We conduct a new recruitment every autumn at the beginning of September, because we receive a large number of requests during the year. There are many gates in the process of restoration, the queue moves confidently. The turn to act on new applications is approximately two years. So now those willing have the opportunity to become participants in the Co-financing Program and organize with their neighbors,” said Pavlo Bogajchyk, director of the “Heritage Bureau” LCP.
As a reminder, during the restoration of the gates, 70% of the cost of the works will be paid from the city budget, 30% will be paid by residents. When restoring windows under this Program, 60% is paid by the city and 40% by residents. If the craftsmen replace plastic windows with wooden ones, the shares of co-financing are equal – 50% for 50%.
LKP “Heritage Bureau” emphasizes: applications should be submitted exclusively through administrative service centers in Lviv exclusively from September 1 to 15. Applications submitted outside these time frames will be rejected.
How to apply – on the website of the LKP “Heritage Bureau” in the “Co-financing” section.
By the way, almost 170 gates and 125 windows and balcony doors have been restored in Lviv since 2018. Currently, 17 gates and 6 windows are in the process of restoration. Also, 3 windows and 2 balcony doors were replaced from metal-plastic ones to wooden ones.