On the 27th day of the hospital, the Rotary Club of Vangaym (Nimechchyna) for the Lviv Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital Ohmatdit was handed over medical preparations, a child’s bed cream, a special possession of the face.
Oleksiy Degtyarenko, president of the Lviv Rotary Club, told about it.
Vіn zaznav, that also this year “rotaries” of Lvіvіvshchina ruled 2 shvidkі dopomogi for the doctors of Chernihivshchyna and Mykolaivshchyna. The center of the motor transport was repaired thoroughly, and in the middle a new property was installed.
“In the next hour, we will consider the delivery of more dekilkoh cars of Swedish assistance. We will close it, already in the future I will purchase X-ray scanners for X-ray signs of people from Siemens, as they will be put on burdens for minimizing the disruption of traffic,”
Dodamo, that on the cob of the victorious aggression of the Russian Federation, the Rotary clubs of Ukraine were donated to humanitarian assistance for over 2 million dollars. Specialized possessions, medicines and supplies of the first need for the military servicemen and workers, who suffered as a result of the military aggression, were bought for qi cats. Around this Rotary clubs from the whole world handed over hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid and special transport assistance: fire engines and fire trucks. Tse everything was transferred for similar and pivdennih regions of Ukraine.