
In Lviv, doctors operated on 8-year-old Lyubomyr, who had a coniferous twig in his bronchi for a year and a half

“Обходили усіх лікарів, ніхто не міг знайти причину”: хірурги Центру дитячої медицини, лікарні “Охматдит” успішно прооперували 8-річного Любомира у якого півтори року у бронхах була хвойна гілочка. ▫️Сім'я з Брюхов

“We went through all the doctors, no one could find the cause”: surgeons at the Children’s Medicine Centre, Okhmatdyt Hospital, successfully operated on 8-year-old Liubomyr, who had a pine branch in his bronchi for a year and a half.

The family is from Bryukhovychi, Lviv Oblast. In the summer of 2022, the boy began to have back pain and a fever. Then a local doctor referred the child to a hospital in Lviv. There, he was examined and diagnosed with right-sided pneumonia. He was treated with antibiotics and discharged home. After some time, the symptoms recurred. The boy even coughed up blood. Lubomyr was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Lviv. Doctors again diagnosed him with right-sided pneumonia. A few months later, it happened again with identical symptoms.

▫️Мама the boy sounded the alarm, because the disease was constantly recurring. Mrs Maria was even more frightened by the child’s constant bleeding during coughing.

💭”What did I think? After the last discharge from the hospital, we were told that it was tuberculous pneumonia. We took all possible tests, did all the examinations. We went to all the doctors in the city, in fact, to establish the correct diagnosis, but no one could establish the cause. I was looking for different doctors in Lviv myself.

Some said it could be a problem with blood vessels. We even went to a haematologist. I started looking for more doctors on the Internet and came across information about Okhmatdyt,” said Maria, the boy’s mother.
▫️Мама brought the boy to the reception department of the Centre for Children’s Medicine, Ohmatdyt Hospital, where our specialists immediately examined him and examined him.

▫️Лікарі decided to perform a bronchoscopy on Lyubomyr, during which they discovered that the child had a foreign body in his bronchi – a small pine branch, which was the cause of all his symptoms.

▫️Торакальний surgeon Oleh Leniv, surgeon Roman Kovalsky and anaesthetist Vira Pryimakova successfully removed the twig. 8-year-old Lyubomyr has already been discharged home!

We wish the boy good health!” the hospital emphasised.

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