Drohobych community pays tribute to fallen warrior Ivan Shuklin

On 2 February, Drohobych was again in mourning – a resident of Drohobych, Ivan Shuklin, was killed in the war with the Russian invaders.

At the time of the full-scale invasion, Ivan was abroad, but he returned home and in June 2022 joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defend his country. He served with the 68th separate hunting brigade. He spent a year and a half at the frontline combat positions.

The defender of Ukraine Ivan Shuklin was born on 20 February 1984. He lived in Drohobych on Chornovil Street. After his marriage, he lived on Ivasyuk Street for the last 13 years. Together with his wife, he had two daughters.

For the conscientious performance of military duties, he received an honorary award from the command – the Cross of the Warrior-Hunter, First Class. His comrades remembered Ivan as a true warrior, whom his subordinates looked up to, and his commanders entrusted him with extremely difficult tasks.

Unfortunately, on 28 January, while performing a combat mission in Luhansk region, Ivan was killed as a result of mine-blast injuries.

Today, on 2 February, the funeral convoy with the body of the fallen soldier arrived in his hometown. It was met at the Crossroads of Heroes, where a memorial service accompanied by clergymen took place.

After that, the coffin with the body of the soldier was taken to Rynok Square, where a citywide farewell was held. Relatives, friends, and the leadership of the Drohobych community knelt down and prayed together to honour the heroic deeds of the soldier who gave the most precious thing he had for Ukraine – his own life. After the citywide farewell, the funeral service for the fallen defender took place in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

The Hero of Ukraine Ivan Shuklin was buried on the Walk of Fame.

Eternal memory and glory to the fallen defender!


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